
南巫 7.6 更新HD 徐世顺 蔡宝珠 吴俐璇 云镁鑫 邓壹龄  1987年马泰边界,吉打象屿山下的村落里,村民阿昌是民间神明拿督公的虔诚信仰者,妻子阿燕却不以为然。某日阿昌驱赶神龛前的蛇,不慎打破暹罗裔邻家屋墙。两周后,阿昌突在田埂晕阙,口吐血丝锈钉,村人知悉各圆
南巫 剧情 惊悚 恐怖
Nneka漂亮的蛇 8.0 HD Idia Aisien Kenneth Okolie  When her parents are murdered, Nneka encounters the Queen of the Coast who offers to help her in rev
Nneka漂亮的蛇 科幻 惊悚
女鬼桥 10.0 HD 詹宛儒 张寗 林哲熹 严正岚  A group of undergraduate students who dare to test the urban legend that anyone who crosses a ghostl
女鬼桥 悬疑 惊悚 恐怖 恐怖片