常春藤 6.0

导演: 韩在英 

主演: 禹美华 李妍 金宝敏 

状态: HD 最后更新于 7月前

剧情: Same-sex couple Eunsoo and Yewon are living together happily. One day, a terrible traffic accident occurs and Eunsoo is seriously injured and her sister Eunhae dies. Eunsoo is disabled and Eunhae’s daughter Soomin became an orphan. Now Eunsoo and Yewon are in a position to take charge of Soomin. Take Me Home is a film that questions the meaning of a family. Right after the accident, Yewon says, “Are we not family? How can one abandon a family member because of what happened?” Eunsoo responds, “Family? Who acknowledges us as a family?” The three women live together as Yewon wished and they hope to be one family. They seem to be living like a happy (similar) family as they spend daily routines and visit the beach. But, like Eunsoo’s hopeless respond, the norms of the world prevent them from becoming one family. The true virtue of this film is in the ending. Instead of a happy or sad ending, this film, like DO Jonghwan’s poem ‘Ivy’, persistently chooses the road of happiness slowly without rushing even if it takes a detour.


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