布查 10.0

导演: Stanislav Tiunov 

主演: Anastasiya Nesterenko Tatiana Yurikova Tetyana Vashnevska 

状态: HD中字 最后更新于 1天前

剧情:   Konstantin Gudauskas is a Jew born in Kazakhstan, but received political asylum in Ukraine. After the Russian invasion begins on 24 February 2022, he is able to travel freely to the occupied territories and evacuate civilians from there thanks to his Kazakh passport. During the next months he saves 203 people by taking them out of the occupied territories. Konstantin observes firsthand the horrors of war and the atrocities of the Russian occupation. Throughout this time he is advised and guided by a woman, Haide Rizaeva, a Crimean Tatar, employee of the Main Intelligence Directorate.


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